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Proud to be part of the
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Healthy Me Week 2019

We had a fantastic Healthy Me Week, focusing on ‘Healthy Body, Healthy Mind’.

The children had the opportunity to look closely at how looking after your physical health can support in looking after your mental health

The children:

  • Participated in meditation during their music sessions.
  • Discussed how physical health was important for their mental health. Some year groups had the opportunity to go out to the adventure playground.
  • Had the opportunity to see how much sugar were in drinks and discussed why drinking water was important for our health  - the children got to taste flavoured water which they loved!
  • Our kitchen staff had beautiful salads every day for the children to try and they even added less sugar in the cakes – Do you think they noticed?
  • We even had an amazing assembly created and presented by some Year 4 children.


Dominik 4z - I liked healthy me week and I did an assembly about mental health.

ismail5m - I really enjoyed going to adventure playground???????✌✌

Tariq 5M - This looks very relaxing?????

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