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Family Matters Workshop - Dreams and Goals

"Have a vision, it is the ability to see the invisible. If you can see the invisible, you can achieve the impossible"
(Walt Disney)

Our dreams and Goals, a truly  fun filled and creative workshop were the invisible became a visible by creating a vision.

We had some lovely feedback from parents:

I like….. “a chance to get to know other parents, reflection opportunities for who I am/what I want, great atmosphere – appreciate all the efforts the school staff have put in to make it nice.”

I like….. “meeting other parents. Really good session for mixing people together. This was great for thinking about our own growth mindset.”

I like…… “The whole workshop was great! Thanks for the presentation. I am grateful for this time during which I took the time to think about my priorities and goals in life.”

I like…… “I was initially hesitant but I think very uplifting and positive workshop!”

1 comment

Hi_my_name_jeff - Nice and cool

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