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Year 3 - Mapping South America

We have been mapping South America and looking at both political and physical maps. We then created our own, some of us even drew the boundaries and created our own key to show the countries, capital cities and main physical features.


Ece - Why is daubeney best because we do our best!

Malia - It was fun and exiting to paint, Everbody likes mine. I was really happy. Thank you Mr Ainsworth, you are the best

Nilema 3c - I loved painting the map because it was so fun. Most of all Daubeney is the best because we do our best!

Minette- 3C - I did mine with Matilda we draw all the countries out. It was so fun!!!

Hind - I really enjoyed painting the map.

Bola - I liked this because it was a fun activity and we got to paint it.

AYA - I loved the painting!

Malia - It was fun painting because my friends were exited. My art skills were brilliant. Everybody liked it, thank you Mr Ainsworth you're the best teacher in the world.

tanzela - It was fun painting with my art skills and briging my creativity out, and everybody liked it. Thanks Gus.

nasra - I loved it. It was amazing

angel - It was really fun painting.

taylor - Painting was fun, I got to paint the South America map.

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